How To AMAZE Your Dancer At This Year's Recital

How to AMAZE your dancer this recital!.png

Recital week is almost here at Positions Dance Studio! We could not be more excited to see all the hard work come to life and I’m sure you and your dancers feel the same. They have put in countless hours at the studio and you have supported them every step of the way. It is time to celebrate right?! With all the fun and excitement comes something else not so pleasant, STRESS. Yes, recital week is stressful for everyone (for us too!). There are costumes and accessories to pack, special hair and makeup to master, a handful of different check-in times to keep track of, and much much more. It is a lot to handle for the seasoned dance parent not to mention for those first timers out there! We want to make sure we are doing all we can to make your week as easy as it can be for you and your dancer. Let’s face it, if you are stressed out, your dancer will be stressed out too. And that is not fun for anyone. So we thought we would give you a few ways you can feel less of that awful stress and more of the fun and excitement. Following these tips will ensure that you can AMAZE your dancer at this year’s recital!  

  • Read EVERYTHING. Twice. Make sure you are really going through all the emails and handouts you receive from the studio. They contain information like check-in times, order deadlines, day-of instructions, etc. Take the time to really process the information and write reminders in your calendar.

  • Take Inventory Now. Do you have all the right shoes? New tights in the correct color? All hair and makeup supplies? Have you double checked all costumes and their accessories? Figuring out you are missing something last minute could be the worst feeling ever! You will feel much better knowing you have a few days to run to the store rather than just a few hours.

  • Make a recital day PLAN with your dancer. Everyone will feel much better after you talk through logistics and expectations. Talk with your dancer about when you will start getting ready, who will be helping with quick changes, when will they eat, and when and where you will meet them after the performance. You will rest assured knowing they know what to do and they will feel more prepared in handling the day without you.

  • Be positive, have fun, and enjoy every second! Recital is only once a year and trust us, it goes FAST! Be proud of your dancer no matter what happens on stage. It takes a lot of guts to get on stage and your dancer wants no more than to do the best they can do. Don’t be shy in telling them how you feel after their performance. Performing after all the preparation should feel amazing and as their parents, you get to share that feeling with them. They deserve that shining moment and so do you. Make sure you take a moment or two to look around and feel the joy with your dancer.

We want nothing more than for you and your dancer to enjoy this moment because it is the BEST part of being a performer (and a proud parent too) and like we mentioned, it will go fast! Take the stress out of the week and you will be able to truly savor each precious moment.

Have any questions about recital week? Check out this FAQ page we have and call or email the studio with anything you don’t see mentioned.