It's Time To Tackle Your Goals!

Setting adult fitness goals in Babylon, NY

With the New Year comes fresh starts and new chances. Have you sat down to think about what goals you would like to accomplish this year? At Positions, we like to see ALL of our students (children and adults) take some time to really think about their goals. Goals keep us motivated to pursue the life we want! Whether that is to become a great dancer, to do something we love, or to stay healthy and fit, the New Year is a great time to re-evaluate.

How do you make sure you actually accomplish these goals? Although the power is entirely up to you, we thought we could give you a few of our best strategies to turn your hopes and dreams into reality.

  1. Say your goal out loud and not just to yourself hehe! Tell your family and friends and write it down somewhere you will see every day. The more you can spread the word about your goal, the more you are telling yourself that you CAN accomplish it! This strategy has a bonus: when you tell people about your goals, you are also building a support system. Your friends and family will check in every once and while to see how you are doing, what a better way to stay accountable!? You may even find a couple people who have a similar goal.

  2. Make a plan. What steps are you going to take to make this goal happen? For example: If you would like to incorporate more exercise into your life: Are you going to join a gym? Take group fitness classes ( like the amazing ones we have here at Positions )? Sign up for a race? How often will you train? What time of day? Be specific! Don’t leave anything up to chance. Make a plan and stick with it!

  3. Find an accountability buddy. Accomplishing goals is much more fun when you have a buddy! Find someone who has a similar goal and check in week-to-week on how you are both doing. You can even meet once a week to take a class, go for a run, etc. It’s always much harder to skip out when someone is meeting you there or waiting to hear all about your progress.

  4. Set a reward. If you are anything like us, getting a reward is half the fun of accomplishing goals! Your reward could be big or small but make sure it is something enticing enough to pull you out of a slump. Unfortunately, there will be days where you don’t feel like following through on your plan, if you have a reward in place, it will help push you through! We love putting a picture of the reward right next to our goal where we can see it every day.

Are you feeling motivated yet?? We sure are! If your young dancer is hoping to set some goals this year, we encourage you to help guide them through this process. You can feel good that you are teaching them how to ACTUALLY accomplish their goals and they will feel good that you are there to support them through it. For any dance specific goals, check in with their teacher. Teachers can be great resources in making goals a reality!