Find More Opportunities To Be Creative

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Creativity is something we highly value at Positions Dance Studio. By encouraging creativity in the classroom, your children will be better equipped to solve problems, express emotions, become more self-aware, and so much more. We think that is pretty great, don’t you? It got us thinking, what other ways can your dancers build more creative time into their lives? We have put together a great list of ideas for all ages to try.

  • See A Show. There are a TON of great shows to see for all ages and budgets, especially at this time of year. Whether it is theater, dance, music, or art, seeing something new can open your dancer’s mind to new possibilities. Seeing other people's creativity come to life is a great way to get inspired!

  • Take a new class. Sign your dancer up for something they have never tried before. That could be a new style of dance (check out our current schedule here to find one) OR something completely different like painting or acting. By exposing your child to something new (in a safe environment like a class) you are building the foundation that new is fun and exciting and it is OK to not be the “best” (at any age).

  • Make up a dance at home. This is always a hit at sleepovers and family parties. Choreographing requires a dancer to try new things and put a story or emotions into movement. At the end of the night, your dancers can put on a show in the living room for you. We promise it will be so much fun for everyone! BONUS: Grab that camera and record it every once and awhile. You will be amazed at how your dancer’s choreography progresses year after year, all thanks to their creative mind being strengthened.

This list has us ready to go have some fun, how about you? Like we mentioned, your dancers already have a leg up in the creative department JUST by coming to dance class. These could be a few really great (and fun) ways to keep the creativity flowing outside of dance class. Does your family do any special projects or activities that foster this skill? We would love to know it the comments!