3 Tips To Get The Most Out Of Your Free Trial

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We know there are so many great dance studios in the area and choosing the best one for you can be a tough decision. This is why at Positions Dance Studio, we offer free trials to new customers. Today on the blog we wanted to talk about a few tips to get the most out of your free trial and share with you what you can learn by taking advantage of them.

BONUS ALERT: Check out our demo at the bottom of this post showing exactly how to schedule your free trial today!

You can start learning about a dance studio the second you sign up for a trial. We recommend taking a moment to reflect after contacting the studio. How easy or difficult was it to sign up? If you spoke to someone on the phone or via email, how was the studio’s communication?

This very first interaction can be a glimpse into how the customer service is at a studio. At Positions, we strive to create a very positive experience from the beginning of our customer’s dance journey. Our new customers can schedule their free trial online or by calling/emailing the studio. Our website and parent portal are always up to date with the most current information so our customers are always informed.

As you arrive at the studio, take a moment to observe. How are the students and teachers interacting? Do the students look happy? How do you feel about the lobby? You will know you are at the right studio when you feel good upon walking in. One of the biggest priorities at Positions is to make everyone feel welcomed. We firmly believe that dance is for everybody! During your free trial, you should be able to feel that energy right as you enter our studio.

The most obvious advantage of doing a free trial is seeing if your child LIKES the class and enjoys their teacher. Signing up for a session of dance is a big commitment. By having your child do a trial class, you won't have to guess if they are going to have fun and learn something new. You will know!

Our teachers at Positions strive to create a positive environment in the classroom that fosters student growth both in their technique and in their self-esteem. A trial will give you the confidence to know your child is in the right place.

As you can see, a trial class is an important step in finding the right dance studio. We offer free trials to new customers all year long. If you would like to get a first-hand look at what Positions Dance Studio is all about, schedule your free trial today!

Below we have made a free trial demo so you can feel confident in booking yours.

Uploaded by Resourceful Dance, LLC on 2018-07-13.