Why We Are Thankful for the Arts

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Happy Thanksgiving! It’s almost time for Turkey! This time of year always makes us stop and think about how lucky we are. It’s the season of giving, the season of thanking, and for us, the season of DANCING! 

For most of us here at Positions Dance Studio, dancing is more than just a hobby. It’s what lights us up and keeps us going. We know that some of our dancers already feel the same way, and some of them are still figuring out what dance means to them. The arts can bring so much magic to a child’s life, whether they are just hobbies or lifelong passions. 

Today we are sharing the magic as we list 4 reasons why we are thankful for dance:

1. Self-Expression

Do you ever get sick of using words to explain how you feel? Us too! The arts let us take a break from the hectic world and dig down deep. Instead of talking, artists can make a dance, paint a picture, write a poem… the list goes on! 

We are thankful that we had dance growing up. It gave us an outlet for self-expression that made common struggles a whole lot easier. More importantly, it helped us learn how to think through our emotions and use them in a positive way. Artists of all kinds are usually pretty good at this skill because we have a safe space to explore the most vulnerable parts of ourselves. 

2. Performance Opportunities

Take it from us, there is NOTHING quite like getting up on stage and presenting your most lively self to an audience. Performing artists (like dancers, actors, and singers) rehearse long hours for performances as short as a couple of minutes. Why? Because the spark that happens at the theater is usually enough joy to last a lifetime. 

Witness the spark for yourself in just a few weeks at one of the best dance performances in Babylon! Our Positions Dancers are busy rehearsing for this year’s production of The Nutcracker! We are watching closely as these young, growing dancers step out of their shells and gain the confidence to dance on-stage with real professional ballerinas. Get your tickets online today!

3. Creativity

In today’s world, finding a time and place to be creative isn’t always easy. For those of us that have the privilege of a weekly dance (or painting, drama, etc.) class, we are able to break away from boring, every-day tasks. We get to create beautiful things and discover new ideas that come from the heart. 

Not only is being creative fun and exhilarating, but it also helps us celebrate our individuality. Even if two people are doing the same exact dance, it will never look exactly the same. Each dancer’s personality and individual style will shine through. The same thing goes with a painting or a spoken word poem. We are thankful that dance lets us be uniquely ourselves. 

4. Stress-Relief

We are confident that if you ask any of our older students how they feel BEFORE dance class, most of them will say “tired” or “stressed”. We are even MORE confident that if you ask them how they feel AFTER dance class, their answers will be a lot more positive. 

Dancing releases endorphins and gives you a chance to unwind. Creating something beautiful with your body makes you feel GOOD. Pushing yourself to try new things you’ve never done before is exhilarating. And above all else, a dance class is one hour of NOT thinking about your to-do lists, your personal drama, or whatever else is stressing you out. And for that, we are thankful. 

And with that, join us as we recite a big, giant THANK YOU. Thank you to the arts for making our lives brighter every day. Not everyone in the world has a chance to enjoy a dance class, experience dance performances in Babylon, or express themselves week after week. We are beyond thankful that we are the lucky ones! 

Be on the lookout for turkeys at the studio this month! We invite you to grab a feather and tell us what YOU are thankful for!