Recital Guide for NEW Dance Parents

It is time to start talking about recital! We can’t wait to see our dancers on stage. Recital is the highlight of our year. Watching our students confidently share their love for dance with an audience is why we work so hard all year long! 

 We understand that navigating recital as a new dance parent can be overwhelming. Costumes, schedules, shoes, tights… it is a lot! We are here to make the process stress free and FUN! In this blog post we are breaking down some of the most common questions we get from parents.

Still, have questions?  You can always reach out to us. We are happy to help!  

Now, let’s dive into those recital questions! 

When is recital? 

Our recital performances are on June 26, 2022, at the SUNY Staller Center for the Arts. Dress rehearsal is the day prior, June 25, 2022. 

What does my child need? 

Your child will need his/her costume(s), their accessories, their shoes, and a fresh pair of tights for the performance.  Your child’s costume, tights, and accessories are included in your costumes fee. Please make sure your child has the correct dance shoes (and check that they fit!). It’s never a bad idea to have an extra pair of tights just in case! 

You can purchase both shoes and tights in our dance store. 

When will they get their costume? 

Costumes typically begin arriving in February and throughout the spring months. After trying costumes on in-studio, dancers will be able to take them home. 

Please remember to keep them in a safe spot. Costumes should not be worn for dress-up until AFTER the recital! 

When can we buy tickets? 

Tickets go on sale May 7, 2022, at 8 AM for priority families (families with a graduating senior or who have been with the studio for 10 or more years) and then on May 10, 2022, at 8 AM for the entire studio!

What about hair and makeup? 

Click HERE to view our costume look-book where you can find your child’s costume and hair information! If your child needs to have a bun in, click HERE (with a bun-maker) and HERE (only pins) for tutorial videos! 

As for makeup, we recommend pink lipstick and pink blush for our younger dancers. Makeup helps to make sure they don't get washed out under the stage lights. 

What can we do at home to help with stage fright? 

If your child is feeling nervous about performing on stage or you are worried they won’t get on stage, let them practice performing at home! 

Ask their dance teacher for the music and let your child practice in a space they feel comfortable in! Cheer them on, encourage them to smile, dance big, and remind them that recital is all about having fun and doing their absolute best on stage. 

You can even practice walking with them “on-stage” and “off-stage” before and after their dance. 

We hope this is helpful! Know that more details and schedules will be sent home as we get closer to recital! We are so excited for our dancers to perform on stage and share this beautiful art form with our audience! Again, please feel free to reach out to us with any more questions or concerns. We care about our dancers and families very much and want to make sure everyone is excited and ready for a great show!  

Make sure you have the correct email on file with us and check out our RECITAL PAGE on our website! We will continue to update this page with all the information you need.